2012-06-12 - Damp Neighborhood Loop


~6.5 miles @ ~9.4 min/mi

Home early, with showers moving out of area but light drizzle. One hour to go: up the Mormon Temple hill trotting hard, then down Old Spring Rd. The water fountain trickles just enough to splash face and sip from cupped hand at the dog-water tap. Push down Rock Creek to Ray's Meadow, remembering CM's hard run with me there and her comment on it, as well as the time we got her to a new mile PB on that trail segment. The Garmin GPS trackfile shows the route. An experiment with making a Google map of the Runens *.kml file is less successful. Mile splits: 9:40 + 9:54 + 8:55 + 8:56 + 9:10 + 9:47 with a final ~0.5 mile at ~9.4 min/mi.

^z - 2012-07-11